SIMPLE PINK RETREAT CENTERS, INC...options so your not alone.
SIMPLE PINK RETREAT CENTERS, INC. VOLUNTEER PROGRAMS will incorporate patients and caregivers and the community at large by helping emphasize the importance of and need for volunteers to help navigate short-term basic needs such as transportation, medical appointment companion, meal preparation and referrals for medical, housing and childcare. Come to an environment that will offer environmental options grounded to the earth that will feed the soul and put a smile in your heart. Enjoy a serene walk, a meditation garden, and so much more as our vision comes together, and your help is needed. We want your help to help others reclaim their life after cancer or assist with those living with a life threatening illness, or a caregiver that needs a lending ear. Survivor-to-Survivor. This program will focus on survivors helping survivors detailing the benefits to all. Come to a magical location like no other and embrace the environment around you.